The Game of Life

When Rocky and I started thinking about what to do for our video, we wanted to relate it to everyone in the class, so we decided to keep it close to home- at Saint Louis University. We chose to juxtapose two lives, the life of a SLU student, and the life of a man the same age living in poverty. We wanted to put a lot of emphasis on the things that we as SLU students have, and take for granted. How many things do we use on a daily basis that others around us don’t have? We drive cars, eat at restaurants, have fun at parties, work out in a nice Recreation Center, and live in nice warm homes (or dorms, but the idea is the same). The fact of the matter is, we’ve all been given so many opportunities to do well in life- a family, a college education, advice from people who’ve been successful- and we take them for granted, sometimes making us seem like we think we deserve it.


As Americans we do believe that everyone has the right to a pursuit of a happy life, and there are at least 50 million Americans living below the poverty line (about 20k per year). In the video we challenge everyone to think about what they have been blessed with, and to remember that there are those who’ve not been so blessed. It is our job to care for those who have less than we do, and because we are the future leaders of the world, it’s imperative that we step up to the challenge.


One response to “The Game of Life

  1. After seeing your video tonight, I have completely rethought about how I view the homeless. I think I often take for granted everything I have been blessed with, such as my home, college, food, and family. Unfortunately, many were not even given the same chance in life as I was simply because life is often just a roll of the dice and luck. But being that I am so blessed it is up to people like myself to not overlook those who have less, but to help them and raise the awareness they need.

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